
Development of forests and the gene pool of local forest tree ecotypes in Mongolia

2015 – 2017

A part of the international development cooperation of the Czech Republic.

1       International cooperation

In a global world, international cooperation is a necessary assumption for high-level knowledge in advanced technologies and a high standard of services for users. The Czech Forest Management Institute (FMI) is an experienced institution in international cooperation since 1970’s. It is typical that the first international project of FMI (Lesprojekt in this time) was help with forest inventory in Mongolia 1956. Many other projects followed in development parts of world such as SE Asia and Africa. Export of forestry know-how was based of high standard of the Czech forestry as a whole. While a good stimulation for active employees of the institute, international activities always served as a valuable feedback to a home expert progress. International cooperation relies on a long-term concept of the institute and partnership with organizations of expertise in international collaboration.

Following a call from Mongolia, FMI was authorized by the Czech Development Agency (CDA) to realize a project: „Development of forest and the gene pool of local forest tree ecotypes in Mongolia 2015 – 2017“. The project deals with areas, which are the focal for FMI in the Czech Republic (CZ):

These two areas are followed by:

2       Concept of international development cooperation of CZ for 2010-2017

International development cooperation is an activity founded by the Czech government. It is aiming to remove poverty, contribute to economic and social development, and environmental protection, as well as to support democracy, human rights and public authority in counties under development.

In 1995, CZ was accepted to OECD. The membership even strengthen activities towards countries of the third world. As the first from transformed „East European countries“, CZ renewed the program of international cooperation. CZ became so call emerging donor country quickly.

2.1. Reason of the concept of international development cooperation

A reason of the concept is to put the Czech development cooperation into the actual political, economic, safety, social and environmental context.

After the entrance into EU, there are other activities of CZ. It accepted development commitments such as European consensus on development (2005). In 2009, under CZ leadership of the EU council, CZ set up own priorities in areas of development policies (mostly in local sustainable energy sources and support of the „East dimension“).

Additionally, there is commitment of CZ within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – UNFCCC, Copenhagen, December 2009. This commitment refers to decreasing of greenhouse emissions (mitigation) and accommodation to effects of climate change (adaptation). It also referred to transfer of technologies into development countries – fast start financing – FSF). CZ pays attention to choose appropriate support in a place where i tis important and even necessary.
Full text (only in Czech) can be found: